All publications

Peter Haddawy and Christian Freksa, A description of knowledge representation features for a design support system, Forschungsgruppe Künstliche Intelligenz, Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München, number Report ATP-29-V-84, 1984
Nils J. Nilsson, Shakey The Robot, AI Center, SRI International, number 323, 1984
Romedi Passini, Spatial Representations, a Wayfinding Perspective (1984), in: Journal of Environmental Psychology, 4(153--164)
T P McNamara, R Ratcliff and G McKoon, The mental representation of knowledge acquired from maps. (1984), in: Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 10:4(723--32)
Marvin Levine, Iris Marchon and Gerard Hanley, The Placement and Misplacement of You-Are-Here Maps (1984), in: Environment and Behaviour, 16:2(139--157)
R. E. Tarjan and J. van Leeuwen, Worst-case analysis of set union algorithms (1984), in: Journal of the ACM, 31:2(245-281)
Wolfgang Bibel, Maurice Bruynooghe, Christian Freksa, Peter Haddawy and M Moreau, An overview of formalisms, issues, languages, and systems for the representation of knowledge, Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München, number Report ATP-22-XII-83, 1983
Raul Machuca and Keith Phillips, Applications of Vector Fields to Image Processing (1983), in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-5:3(316--329)
Stephen M. Kosslyn, Brian J. Reiser, Martha J. Farah and Sharon L. Fliegel, Generating visual images: Units and relations (1983), in: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 112:2(278--303)
Leonard Talmy, How Language Structures Space, in: Spatial Orientation: Theory, Research, and Application, pages 225-282, Plenum, 1983
Margaret J. Intons-Peterson, Imagery paradigms: How vulnerable are they to experimenters' expectations? (1983), in: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 9:3(394 - 412)
James F. Allen, Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals (1983), in: Commun. ACM, 26(832--843)
P. N. Johnson-Laird, Mental models, Harvard University Press, 1983
D. Gentner and A. L. Stevens (eds.), Mental models, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1983
Benjamin Kuipers, The Cognitive Map: Could It Have Been Any Other Way?, in: Spatial Orientation: Theory, Research, and Application, pages 345-359, Plenum Press, 1983
J. F. Blinn, A Generalization of Algebraic Surface Drawing (1982), in: ACM Trans. Graph., 1:3(235--256)
Christian Freksa, FUZZY, in: The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Heuristech Press, Stanford, 1982