B. Heidelberger
First name(s): B.
Last name(s): Heidelberger

Publications of B. Heidelberger sorted by journal and type

Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds

M. Müller, S. Schirm, M. Teschner, B. Heidelberger and M. Gross, Interaction of fluids with deformable solids (2004), in: Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 15:34(159{\~n}171)

Publications of type Inproceedings


M. Teschner, B. Heidelberger, M. Müller, D. Pomeranets and M. Gross, Optimized Spatial Hashing for Collision Detection of Deformable Objects, in: Proc. of Vision,Modeling,Visualization (VMV), pages 47{\~n}54, 2003

Publications of type Techreport

B. Heidelberger, M. Teschner and M. Gross, Volumetric Collision Detection for Deformable Objects, Computer Science Department, ETH Zurich, number 395, 2003