Klaus Lüttich
First name(s): Klaus
Last name(s): Lüttich

Publications of Klaus Lüttich
John Bateman, Stefano Borgo, Klaus Lüttich, Claudio Masolo and Till Mossakowski, Ontological Modularity and Spatial Diversity (2007), in: Spatial Cognition and Computation, 7:1(97--128)
Klaus Lüttich and Till Mossakowski, Reasoning Support for CASL with Automated Theorem Proving Systems, in: WADT 2006, pages 74-91, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2007
Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder and Klaus Lüttich, The Heterogeneous Tool Set, in: VERIFY 2007, 4th International Verification Workshop, pages 119-135, 2007
Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder and Klaus Lüttich, The Heterogeneous Tool Set, in: TACAS 2007, pages 519-522, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2007
Klaus Lüttich, Approximation of Ontologies in CASL, in: Formal Ontology in Information Systems -- Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (FOIS-2006), pages 335--346, IOS Press; Amsterdam; http://www.iospress.nl, 2006
Klaus Lüttich, Claudio Masolo and Stefano Borgo, Development of Modular Ontologies in CASL, in: Workshop on Modular Ontologies 2006, CEUR-WS.org, 2006
Klaus Lüttich, Approximation of Ontologies in CASL, in: CALCO-jnr 2005 CALCO Young Researchers Workshop Selected Papers, pages 41-53, University of Wales Swansea, 2005
Bernd Krieg-Brückner, Udo Frese, Klaus Lüttich, Christian Mandel, Till Mossakowski and Robert Ross, Specification of an Ontology for Route Graphs, in: Spatial Cognition IV, pages 390-412, Springer, D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany; http://www.springer.de, 2005