Danilo Fum
First name(s): Danilo
Last name(s): Fum

Publications of Danilo Fum sorted by journal and type

Publications of type Inproceedings


Sven Bertel, Thomas Barkowsky, Dominik Engel and Christian Freksa, Computational modeling of reasoning with mental images: basic requirements, in: Proc 7th Intern Conf on Cognitive Modeling, ICCM ’06, Trieste, pages 50-55, Edizioni Goliardiche, Trieste, 2006
Sven Bertel, Thomas Barkowsky, Peter König, Holger Schultheis and Christian Freksa, Sketching mental images and reasoning with sketches: NEVILLE – a computational model of mental & external spatial problem solving, in: Proc 7th Intern Conf on Cognitive Modeling, ICCM ’06, Trieste, pages 349-350, Edizioni Goliardiche, Trieste, 2006