All publications sorted by recency

A. C. Kakas and F. Riguzzi, Abductive concept learning (2000), in: New Generation Computing, 18:3(243--294)
A. C. Kakas, R. A. Kowalski and F. Toni, Abductive logic programming (1992), in: Journal of logic and computation, 2:6(719)
S. Kajita and K. Tani, Experimental study of biped dynamic walking (1996), in: Control Systems Magazine, IEEE, 16:1
Oliver van Kaick, Hao Zhang, Ghassan Hamarneh and Danial Cohen-Or, A Survey on Shape Correspondence, in: Proc. of Eurographics State-of-the-art Report, 2010
Michael Kaess, Ananth Ranganathan and Frank Dellaert, iSAM: Incremental Smoothing and Mapping (2008), in: IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 24:6(1365--1378)
M. Kaess and F. Dellaert, Covariance Recovery from a Square Root Information Matrix for Data Association (2009), in: Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, RAS, 57:12(1198-1210)
Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Michael L. Littmann and Andrew W. Moore, Reinforcement Learning: A Survey (1996), in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 4(237-285)
Simon J. Julier and Jeffrey K. Uhlmann, A New Extension of the Kalman Filter to Nonlinear Systems, in: International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation and Controls, Orlando, FL, pages 182--193, 1997
Simon J. Julier, The Scaled Unscented Transformation, in: Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference, pages 4555--4559, 2002
Tao Ju, Robust repair of polygonal models, in: SIGGRAPH '04: ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Papers, Los Angeles, California, pages 888--895, ACM, 2004
Tao Ju, Fixing Geometric Errors on Polygonal Models: A Survey (2009), in: Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 24:1(19--29)
Nicholas K. Jong and Peter Stone, State abstraction discovery from irrelevant state variables, in: Proceedings of {IJCAI}, pages 752--757, 2005
Mark W. Jones, J. Andreas Bærentzen and Milos Sramek, 3D Distance Fields: A Survey of Techniques and Applications (2006), in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12:4(581--599)
P. N. Johnson-Laird, Mental models, Harvard University Press, 1983
Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Mental models and deductive reasoning, in: Reasoning: Studies in Human Inference and Its Foundations, pages 206-222, Cambridge University Press, 2008
P N Johnson-Laird, Mental Models, in: Foundations of Cognitive Science, pages 469--499, MIT Press, 1989
P. N. Johnson-Laird, Imagery, visualization, and thinking, in: Perception and Cognition at Century's End, pages 441--467, Academic Press, 1998