All publications sorted by recency

D. Pfoser and Y. Theodoridis, Generating semantics-based trajectories of moving objects (2003), in: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 27:3(243-263)
Rui Penha, Distance encoding in ambisonics using three angular coordinates, in: SMC: Sound and Music Computing Conference, pages 1--3, 2008
D. R. Peachey, Modeling waves and surf, in: SIGGRAPH'86: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pages 65{\~n}74, ACM Press, 1986
L. M. Paz, P. Piniés, J. D. Tardos and J. Neira, Large-Scale 6-DOF SLAM With Stereo-in-Hand (2008), in: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Special Issue on Visual {SLAM}, 24:5(946--957)
Mark Pauly, Niloy J. Mitra, Johannes Wallner, Helmut Pottmann and Leonidas J. Guibas, Discovering structural regularity in 3D geometry, in: SIGGRAPH '08: ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 papers, Los Angeles, California, pages 1--11, ACM, 2008
Mark Pauly, Niloy J. Mitra, Joachim Giesen, Markus Gross and Leonidas J. Guibas, Example-based 3D scan completion, in: Proceedings of the third Eurographics symposium on Geometry processing, Vienna, Austria, pages 23:1--23:10, Eurographics Association, 2005
Mark Pauly, Markus Gross and Leif P. Kobbelt, Efficient simplification of point-sampled surfaces, in: VIS '02: Proceedings of the conference on Visualization '02, Boston, Massachusetts, pages 163--170, IEEE Computer Society, 2002
Rasmus R. Paulsen, Jakob Andreas Bærentzen and Rasmus Larsen, Regularisation of 3D Signed Distance Fields, in: SCIA '09: Proceedings of the 16th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Oslo, Norway, pages 513--519, Springer-Verlag, 2009
Romedi Passini, Wayfinding: A Conceptual Framework (1980), in: Man-Environment Systems, 10:1(22--30)
Romedi Passini, Wayfinding: A conceptual framework (1981), in: Urban Ecology, 5:1(17-31)
Romedi Passini, Spatial Representations, a Wayfinding Perspective (1984), in: Journal of Environmental Psychology, 4(153--164)
S. Parsons, M. Wooldridge and L. Amgound, Properties and complexity of formal inter-agent dialogues (2003), in: Journal of Logic and Computation, 13:3(347-376)
Ron Parr and Stuart J. Russell, Reinforcement Learning with Hierarchies of Machines, in: Procedings of {NIPS} 1997, pages 1043-1049, 1998
Heekyeong Park and Lynne M. Reder, Moses illusion, in: Cognitive Illusions, pages 275 - 291, Psychology Press, 2004
Dimitris Papadias, Max J. Egenhofer and Jayant Sharma, Hierarchical reasoning about direction relations, in: GIS '96: Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Advances in geographic information systems, Rockville, Maryland, United States, pages 105--112, ACM, 1996
Stephen E. Palmer, Fundamental Aspects of Cognitive Representation, in: Cognition and Categorization, pages 259--303, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1978
Allan Paivio, Imagery and language, in: Imagery: Current cognitive approaches, pages 7-32, Holt, Rinehart \& Winston, 1971
A. Paivio, A dual coding approach to perception and cognition, in: Modes of perceiving and processing information, pages 39--51, Erlbaum, 1978
Maks Ovsjanikov, Jian Sun and Leonidas Guibas, Global intrinsic symmetries of shapes, in: Proceedings of the Symposium on Geometry Processing, Copenhagen, Denmark, pages 1341--1348, Eurographics Association, 2008
Sharon Oviatt, Ten myths of multimodal interaction (1999), in: Commun. ACM, 42:11(74--81)