All publications sorted by recency

T. Simeon, J. Cortes, A. Sahbani and J. P. Laumond, A manipulation planner for pick and place operations under continuous grasps and placements, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2002
A. W. Siegel and S. H. White, The Development of Spatial Representations of Large-Scale Environments, in: Advances in Child Development and Behavior, pages 9-55, Academic Press, 1975
Akira Shiozaki, Edge Extraction Using Entropy Operator (1986), in: Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 36:1(1--9)
T. Shinar, C. Schroeder and R. Fedkiw, Two-way Coupling of Rigid and Deformable Bodies, in: ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2008
N Shewchenko, N Withnall, M Keown, R Gittens and J Dvorak, Heading in Football. Part 3: Effect of Ball Properties (2005), in: British Journal Sports Medicine, 39(33-39)
Chen Shen, James F. O'Brien and Jonathan R. Shewchuk, Interpolating and approximating implicit surfaces from polygon soup, in: SIGGRAPH '04: ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Papers, Los Angeles, California, pages 896--904, ACM, 2004
Andrei Sharf, Thomas Lewiner, Gil Shklarski, Sivan Toledo and Daniel Cohen-Or, Interactive topology-aware surface reconstruction, in: SIGGRAPH '07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, San Diego, California, pages 43, ACM, 2007
S. Shao, Incompressible SPH simulation of wave breaking and overtopping with turbulence modelling (2006), in: International journal for numerical methods in fluids, 50:5(597-621)
S. Shalom, L. Shapira, A. Shamir and D. Cohen-Or, Part Analogies in Sets of Objects (2008), in: Eurographics Workshop on {3D} Object Retrieval
Shy Shalom, Lior Shapira, Ariel Shamir and Daniel Cohen-Or, A Part-aware Surface Metric for Shape Processing (2009), in: Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 28:2(397--406)
Glenn Shafer, A Mathematical Theory of Evidence, Princeton University Press, 1976
Margaret Selting, The construction of units in conversational talk (2000), in: Language in Society, 29(477--517)
A. Selle, N. Rasmussen and R. Fedkiw, A vortex particle method for smoke,water and explosions, in: SIGGRAPH'05: ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers, pages 910{\~n}914, ACM, 2005
Dl Schwartz and Jb Black, Analog Imagery in Mental Model Reasoning: Depictive Models (1996), in: Cognitive psychology, 30:2(154--219)
C. P. L. Schultz, R. Amor, B. Lobb and H. W. Guesgen, Qualitative design support for engineering and architecture (2009), in: Advanced Engineering Informatics, 23:1(68--80)