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From Turn-By-Turn Directions to Overview Information on the Way To Take
Type of publication: Incollection
Citation: cosyRichterLBSbook
Booktitle: Location Based Services and TeleCartography
Year: 2007
Pages: 205-214
Publisher: Springer; Berlin
URL: http://www.springer.com/dal/ho...
Abstract: One major application of today's mobile systems is wayfinding support. Nowadays, car navigation systems are in wide use and more and more systems for bikers and pedestrians can be bought off the shelf. Even if wayfinding support is not the system's main purpose, such as is the case with location based services (LBS)---their aim is to provide a user with location-specific information on her current requests---usually there is still some underlying functionality that supports wayfinding: in the case of LBS, for example, to provide users with instructions to a requested shop or gas station in the vicinity of their current position. We term such instructions for getting to a specific destination route directions (e.g., Denis, 1997). They are task-oriented specifications to be carried out to reach the destination (e.g., Tversky & Lee, 1998; Schweizer et al., 2000). We use the term route directions generically to refer to any kind of instructions for following a route; verbal, graphical, gestures, or a mixture of these. Route following comprises two basic processes: getting to a decision point and once there, determining the further direction to take (e.g., Daniel & Denis, 1998). That is, the main purpose of route directions is to support a wayfinder in deciding on how to proceed at a decision point. Route directions can be distinguished into two broad categories: in-advance and incremental route directions. In-advance directions are presented to the user before the trip starts. They provide instructions on the complete route, i.e. on every decision point between origin and destination. This kind of route directions is, for example, generated by internet route planners. In incremental route directions, instructions are given step-wise, a single instruction for just the decision point the wayfinder is currently approaching. Such instructions are typically generated by mobile systems as here the device's location is assumed to be co-located with the user's which enables the device to determine the required timing for issuing the next instruction (cf. also Maaß, 1993; Habel, 2003a). The latter---incremental route directions---are sufficient to keep users on track and allow them to keep their cognitive load low as they do not need to remember any instructions. However, they do not offer any survey information, i.e. users have no idea on what to expect along their trip. This forces them to rely completely on the system in their wayfinding (cf. Willis, 2005). To reduce this limiting dependency and to be able to cope for potential system's failures, users should be provided with an overview on the route to take before their trip starts---or in fact any time they feel like it. In the following, we present an approach to generating such de- scriptions. The approach is based on the model for context-specific route directions (Richter & Klippel, 2005) which originally is designed to produce complete in-advance route directions but can be extended to match our purposes.
Userfields: bdsk-url-1={http://www.springer.com/dal/home/generic/search/results?SGWID=1-40109-22-173670286-0}, pdfurl={http://www.cosy.informatik.uni-bremen.de/staff/richter/pubs/richter-LBSbook2007.pdf}, project={SFBTR8}, status={Other},
Authors Richter, Kai-Florian
Editors Gartner, Georg
Cartwright, William
Peterson, Michael P.
  • http://www.springer.com/dal/ho...
  • http://www.sfbtr8.uni-bremen.d...