Christian Freksa
First name(s): Christian
Last name(s): Freksa

Publications of Christian Freksa sorted by recency

Christian Freksa, Jasper van de Ven and Diedrich Wolter, Formal representation of qualitative direction (2018), in: International J Geographical Information Science(1-22)
Jasper van de Ven, Ahmed Loai Ali, Thomas Barkowsky, Christian Freksa, Michael Epprecht, Thatheva Saphangthong and Peter Haddawy, Mobile decision support for yellow-spined bamboo locust plague intervention, in: Adjunct Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Location Based Services, pages 56 - 62, ETH Zurich, 2018
Christian Freksa, Ana-Maria Olteteanu, Thomas Barkowsky, Jasper van de Ven and Holger Schultheis, Spatial Problem Solving in Spatial Structures, in: Proceedings of the 11th Multi-disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (MIWAI 2017), to appear
Christian Freksa, Spatial Computing – How spatial structures replace computational effort, in: Cognitive and linguistic aspects of geographic space, pages 23-42, Springer, Berlin, 2013
Christian Freksa, Bernhard Nebel, Mary Hegarty and Thomas Barkowsky (eds.), Spatial Cognition IX, Springer, Berlin, LNAI, volume 8684, 2014
Christian Freksa, Strong spatial cognition (extended abstract) (2014), in: Cognitive Processing (Suppl 1)(103-105)
Christian Freksa, Informatik zwischen Computern und Realität, in: Vielfalt der Informatik - Ein Beitrag zu Selbstverständnis und Außenwirkung, pages 177-178, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2014
Ana-Maria Olteteanu and Christian Freksa, Towards affordance-based solving of object-insight problems, in: First Workshop on Affordances: Affordances in Vision for Cognitive Robotics, Robotics Science, and Systems, Berkeley, 2014
Christian Freksa, Computational problem solving in spatial substrates – A cognitive systems engineering approach (2015), in: International Journal of Software and Informatics, 9:2(279-288)
Christian Freksa, Strong spatial cognition, in: Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2015), pages 65-86, Heidelberg: Springer, 2015
Ulrich Furbach, Florian Furbach and Christian Freksa, Relating strong spatial cognition to symbolic problem solving – An example, in: Proc. 2nd Workshop on Bridging the gap between human and automated reasoning, IJCAI, New York 9 July, 2016
Christian Freksa and Arne Kreutzmann, Neighborhood, Conceptual, in: The International Encyclopedia of Geography, pages 1-12, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, 2017
Christian Freksa, Thomas Barkowsky, Frank Dylla, Zoe Falomir, Ana-Maria Olteteanu and Jasper van de Ven, Spatial problem solving and cognition, in: Representations in Mind and World, pages 156-183, New York: Routledge, 2018
Ahmed Loai Ali, Falko Schmid, Zoe Falomir and Christian Freksa, Towards Rule-Guided Classification for Volunteered Geographic Information (2015), in: ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 1(211--217)
Ahmed Loai Ali, Zoe Falomir, Falko Schmid and Christian Freksa, Rule-guided human classification of Volunteered Geographic Information (2017), in: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(3-15)
Jasper van de Ven, Dimitra Anastasiou, Frank Dylla, Susanne Boll and Christian Freksa, The SOCIAL Project - Approaching Spontaneous Communication in Distributed Work Groups, in: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Athens, Greece, pages 171--186, Springer, 2015
Piera Carreté N and M. G. Singh, Dimensions of qualitative spatial reasoning, in: Qualitative reasoning and decision technologies, pages 483-492, CIMNE, Barcelona 1993, 1993
Mehul Bhatt and Christian Freksa, Spatial computing for design: An artificial intelligence perspective, in: Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity, pages 109-127, Springer Netherlands, 2015