C. Hölscher
First name(s): C.
Last name(s): Hölscher

Publications of C. Hölscher
in press
Jan Frederik Sima, The Nature of Mental Images - An Integrative Computational Theory, in: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Cognitive Science Society; Austin, TX, 2011
J. Wiener, S. J. Büchner and C. Hölscher, Taxonomy of human wayfinding tasks: A knowledge-based approach (2009), in: Spatial Cognition and Computation, 9(152-165)
C. Hölscher, T. Meilinger, G. Vrachliotis and M. Brösamle, Maps, room numbers and wayfinding strategies: Investigations in a vertically complex building., in: Poster proceedings COSIT'05 Conference on Spatial Information Theory, Ellicottville, NY, September 14-18, 2005
C. Hölscher, T. Meilinger and G. Vrachliotis, Wayfinding in complex buildings: Cognition, architecture, environment., in: 6th Biennal Conference on Environmental Psychology, Bochum, Germany, September 19-21, 2005
C. Hölscher, T. Meilinger, G. Vrachliotis, M. Brösamle and B. Maier, Wayfinding in the Heinrich-Luebcke-Haus., in: 'Real, Mental and Virtual Space', Interdisciplinary College IK 2005, Günne/ Lake Möhne, Germany, 2005